source: http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL22/548219/14468975/217027365.jpg
Knitting expert Jane Elliot's Love in Bloom pillows are complex, beautiful ways to show your expertise as a knitter. And now, you can get the individual instruction to succeed at this challanging project. On July 21 and 22nd, Ms. Elliot will be giving a workshop in Annandale, VA at the Packard Center (4022 Hummer Road). This is your opportunity to see this knitting star and author of Not Just Plane Jane Knits in action...and get some of the action for yourself as well!
The workshop costs $45 for the two days, payable that day. Reservations should be made with Vita at 703-493-8748 or at miniknits@netzero.net.
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