Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Year in Socks

Not just another knit-along, the Rockin’ Sock Club hosted by Blue Moon Fiber Arts is an annual sock club. Every other month for a calendar year, participants receive a kit. The kits typically contain a special-for-the-club hand-dyed skein of BMFA’s famous (did anyone else see that line at MD Sheep and Wool? Crazy) sock yarn, along with an exclusive new sock pattern and dyer’s notes. The yarn and the pattern are available only to club members until the end of the year.

With each shipment, there is also the element of surprise. Participants don’t know what is coming in terms of yarn weight (will it be their lightweight? Mediumweight?), even fiber content (the second 2007 shipment was a new yarn, “Silkie” – 81% superwash merino and 19% tussah silk), or pattern (will it be lace? Will there be cables? Will it be top-down or toe-up?). Each shipment is a chance to potentially learn a new technique involved with sock knitting and try out a color you may not have picked out if left to your own devices.

Also in full utilization of the technology resources that surround us on a daily basis, the ladies at Blue Moon have a message board/blog set up for all the participants. They can communicate with participants about shipments, contests and answer questions; and the participants can also ask and answer questions, arrange local meet-ups and post status updates or modifications and finished photos of their kit socks.

If you are a die-hard sock knitter, or even just a regular sock knitter, and would like to participate in 2008, check back with the Blue Moon website closer to the close of 2007.

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