Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Stitch 'n Pitch

So you like sports. And you like knitting. There are more of you out there than you know. There are hockey players who knit in the time-out box. There are rowers who make sweaters. And now, there is Stitch ‘n Pitch. For everyone who thought sharp, pointy sticks and flying baseballs were a GREAT combination, this is your event! For everyone who thought baseball was deathly boring except for a few seconds of excitement every 30-40 minutes, this will give you something to do while you wait.

Along with other organizations, Springwater will be selling tickets to this year’s Stitch ‘n Pitch, which is to be May 14, at RFK stadium. Put on by the National Needle Arts Association, this event will cost $10 per ticket, and that will get you admission plus the kinds of goodies you expect from a day at the ballpark.

Come on down, eat a hot dog, knit a shawl and catch a fly ball. Great fun will be had by all.

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